But it also complements the existing Firefox Developer Tools Remote Debugging Protocol (RDP) by implementing a subset of the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). It's primary purpose is the implementation of the WebDriver BiDi specification. The Firefox Remote Protocol is a low-level debugging interface you can use to inspect the state and control execution of documents running in web content, instrument the browser in interesting ways, simulate user interaction for automation purposes, and for subscribing to events in the browser such as network- or console logs. It translates calls into the Marionette compatible remote protocol by acting as a proxy between the local- and remote ends. This program provides the HTTP API described by the WebDriver specification to communicate with Gecko browsers. Geckodriver is a proxy for using W3C WebDriver-compatible clients to interact with Gecko-based browsers. It can control both the content and chrome- documents, giving a high level of control and ability to emulate user interaction. It provides interfaces for interacting with both the internal JavaScript runtime and UI elements of Gecko-based browsers, such as Firefox and Fenix. It implements the WebDriver specification, which is then made available via a custom socket protocol to geckodriver. Marionette is a remote protocol that lets out-of-process programs communicate with, instrument, and control Gecko-based browsers.

Printing the URL for verifying that we have hit the correct URL printing the title of the page on the console Setting up the driver and giving the path to the driver file tProperty("",getProperty("user.dir") + "/DriverFiles/chromedriver") We will create a small automation script for initializing our webdriver, hitting a URL, printing the current URL, and then closing the driver instance.Go to src–>main–>test–>java and create a new java file.

Now our project is ready and we can now start with our code.Go to pom.xml file in your newly created project and add the following dependency.Give a name to your project and click on finish.Create a new maven project in intellij.We will be using Java as our primary language for coding. In this blog, we will see how we can set up a selenium 4.0 maven project. Selenium has been in the market for the past many years and has been dominating their competitors.